The 5th ACCA Conference will be hosted ONLINE by Philippine Association of Christian Counselors (PACC) from June 24 to 28, 2024, daily from 5.30pm to 9.00pm (PHT) GMT+8 !
The Board of ACCA is happy to announce that the Philippine Association of Christian Counselors will be hosting the 5th Asian Christian Counseling Conference ONLINE via Zoom from June 24 to 28, 2024 daily from 5.30pm to 9.00pm.
This time has been set to best accommodate the various time zones in all Asian Countries. We look forward to seeing as many Christian Counsellors who will take the time to join us and encourage one another in the Body of Christ.
The Theme of the 5th ACCA Conference is “Beyond Professionalism towards Contextualization: Multicultural, Ministry, Missions”Planning for this Online Conference has already started and the invitation of Speakers and Presenters is still open. Please send recommendations to secretary@asiancca.orgPlease visit this page for more information.


Timeline of previous ACCA Conferences

4th ACCA Conference (2021)

The 4th Asian Christian Counseling Conference was our first “Virtual Conference’ hosted in Singapore from 9-11 Sept 2021 by the Association for Christian Counsellors Singapore (ACCS).

The theme of the Conference was “Integrating Asian Christian Counseling in Missions”.

3rd ACCA Conference (2019)

The 3rd ACCA Asian Christian Counseling Conference 2019 was held in Bali, Indonesia Hosted by Asosiasi Konselor Kristen Indonesia (AKKI).

The theme of the Conference was “Integrating Spirituality into Christian Counseling: Enhancing Asian Christian Counseling through Spirituality.

2nd ACCA Conference (2017)

The 2nd ACCA Asian Christian Counseling Conference 2017 was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The theme of the Conference was “Integrating Theology and Psychology in Christian Counselling.”

The Inaugural ACCA Conference (2015)

The Inaugural ACCA Conference 2015 was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and hosted by the National Association of Christian Counsellors, Mal.