Benefits of Belonging to ACCA
ACCA is composed of member nations not individual people. Individuals within nations are members of their respective National Association which is a member of ACCA. Benefits exist bilaterally – for individual nations who join ACCA and for ACCA when each nation joins.

Benefits For Your Nation
Solidarity, Support and Encouragement. It is pioneering work to develop a national association. ACCA is keen to support, encourage, and build long-term relationships with those people choosing to do so. There is power in connecting for inspiration, collaboration, and cooperation, whether in terms of leadership of associations, and/or seeing what other Christian counselling practitioners really do.

Bi-annual ACCA Regional Conference: This offers opportunities to participate in training, share resources, networking, fellowship and encouragement, in the area of integration of Christian faith and counselling – including integration of psychology, theology, spirituality, and missions, at lay pastoral and professional counsellor level. The ACCA vision is to empower the Asian church in all its depth and breadth, (including pastors and counsellors) to assist people grow and overcome mental and psychological issues.

Mentoring: ACCA Member nations offer mentoring to those nations who are hoping to develop national Christian Counselling Associations.

Guidelines: ACCA seeks to share experience regarding national counselling association’s development and accreditation processes where helpful. (for example ethics or policy guidelines, which may be adapted to suit national conditions).

Resources: ACCA hopes to foster development and sharing of relevant training and resources specifically for Asia.

Prayer: Join the regular monthly prayer meeting hosted by a different nation each time praying for national associations, their people, growth, development, impact, and activities.

Benefits For ACCA
Asian Region Policy Making: Nominated national representatives on the ACCA Board together shape the future direction of Christian counselling in Asia.

Alignment and Refinement: ACCA offers a platform to review and develop our Christian counselling approach and methodologies arising from sharing best practices and innovative strategies that respond well to the changing environment and mindsets of the Asian people.

Shared Ministry Opportunities: From time to time these opportunities arise across professional groups, nations, and around the region.

Fellowship and mutual encouragement: In ACCA we seek to spur each other onwards towards effectively serving the Kingdom of God both nationally and regionally in Asia, as a community of people-helpers with a common objective and mission.